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The company conducts market management and product planning training

2019-10-25 1139 time BACK

In order to meet the needs of the company's strategic development, improve personnel system thinking ability, accurately analyze market demand, and scientifically carry out product planning. From August 20th to 22nd, Changzhou Luming Optoelectronics held “Market Management and Product Planning” training in the lecture hall. All middle and high-level, marketing center and technology research and development departments and other departments attended the training. Dr. Zhang Guiqing, a senior lecturer from Shenzhen Jiejie Management Consulting Co., gave an overview of the overall IPD framework, organizational assurance of market management and product planning, understanding of the market, market segmentation, portfolio analysis, development of market segments, business plans, integration and development. Knowledge modules such as product line planning, management business planning, and performance evaluation are taught in conjunction with case studies. During the period, under the guidance of the instructors, the participants conducted a heated discussion and discussion on the company's product line planning, market management and product planning, SWTO analysis, product line market map and business design through group discussions and speeches. Discussions and comments are not limited to the problem itself. At the same time, they also pay attention to the logical thinking of analyzing problems and the methods and measures to solve problems, which promotes the improvement of people's ability to recognize and solve problems. This training has brought a lot of new knowledge and new ideas to everyone, and has been enriched and expanded in theoretical knowledge. The essence of management lies not in knowing, but in doing business. It transforms the sentiments and experiences in training into practical work ability, and the efficient use of learning is the direction that Lu Ming people continue to pay attention to and work hard.


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